suppliments and herbs and vitamins

Supplements and Vitamins and Herbs, Oh My!

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Alexander Papp, MD

Are you tired of feeling like your anxiety is the boss of you? Do you want to take control and show it who’s boss? Well, have no fear (except for the fear that comes with anxiety, of course) because nutraceuticals are here to help!

Nutraceuticals are basically supplements that are made from food sources and are supposed to have some sort of health benefit. And lucky for you, there are some nutraceuticals out there that can help ease anxiety.

Let’s start with ashwagandha. No, it’s not a spell from Harry Potter. It’s actually an herb that’s been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. It’s supposed to help lower cortisol levels (that pesky stress hormone) and promote relaxation. So, if you’re feeling like you need to chill out, ashwagandha might be your new best friend.

Next up, we’ve got kava. No, it’s not a type of coffee. It’s actually a plant that’s found in the South Pacific. Kava has been used to help reduce anxiety and promote calmness. However, be careful with this one. It can cause liver damage if you take too much. So, if you decide to give kava a try, make sure to follow the recommended dosage.

If you’re more of a tea person, you might want to try chamomile. Chamomile tea is a popular choice for people who have trouble sleeping, but it can also help ease anxiety. It contains a flavonoid called apigenin, which is supposed to have a calming effect. Plus, sipping on some hot tea can be a relaxing ritual in and of itself.

Finally, we’ve got CBD. You’ve probably heard of this one before, especially if you live in a state where marijuana is legal. CBD is a compound that’s found in the cannabis plant (don’t worry, it won’t get you high). It’s supposed to help reduce anxiety and promote a sense of calm. There are all sorts of CBD products out there, from tinctures to gummies to lotions. So, if you’re curious about trying it, there are plenty of options to choose from.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Why should I bother with all these nutraceuticals when I can just take a Xanax and be done with it?” Well, for one, nutraceuticals are generally considered to be safer and have fewer side effects than prescription drugs. Plus, they’re often cheaper and easier to access. And let’s be real, wouldn’t you rather tell people you’re taking ashwagandha than Xanax? It just sounds cooler.

Of course, nutraceuticals aren’t a magical cure for anxiety. If you’re really struggling, it’s important to talk to a doctor or therapist about your options. But if you’re looking for some natural ways to help ease your anxiety, nutraceuticals might be worth a try.

In conclusion, anxiety can be hard to live with. But you don’t have to let it control your life. With the help of nutraceuticals like ashwagandha, kava, chamomile, and CBD, you can show your anxiety who’s boss. And if anyone asks, just tell them you’re on some fancy new herbal supplements. They’ll be so impressed, they might even ask for your autograph. Or not, but it’s worth a shot.

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